This blog is a temporary workspace for the purpose of previewing a variety of works in progress I want to share. Several pieces are password protected either because they are still incomplete in either the video or audio content and/or I am in the process of securing the rights and permissions for some of the content.

You may also want to visit my website: which is also a work in progress as some of the pages are incomplete or being restructured. Also, the website is not currently "mobile friendly" but will be in the near future.

No Place in Particular

NO PLACE IN PARTICULAR is inspired by the experience of traveling the open road. While rolling along during extended road trips I sometimes find myself in a limbo-land of evolving scenery flowing through an elastic sense of time and space. Landscapes I have already seen may merge and blend with places I encounter down the road and over the horizon. My perceptions of these new settings may be shaped by memories of places seen only moments ago or even days and weeks behind me in the rear view mirror. The past, present and future are in a state of flux. 

The places photographed are chance discoveries made while traveling along the open road throughout  America with no particular destination in mind. Although my images are void of people the human trace and cultural footprint is evident given the content seen in each view.

This work is designed to be projected in mural scale in an environment adjacent to an exhibition of still framed photographs from the complete portfolio. Ideally, the soundscape from the video space will spill into the surrounding galleries creating an audio atmosphere. 
